All subject are taught as separate subjects at SSPP. Each subject has been planned so the knowledge and vocabulary that is taught in that subject from F1 through to Y6, so that your childβs knowledge builds year on year in a logical sequence. We have carefully considerd the progression of knowledge with key concepts, we are returned to over and over again, allowing your child to consolidate their understanding and deepen it through exploring a new aspect of it.
We priorities developing the core skills of reading, writing and maths, and dedicate time to embedding these skills that are essential for success. We are also passionate about the value of a humanities-rich curriculum that gives children a deep understanding and care for their world, inspiring them to be bothered about core issues and wanting to make a difference. For this reason, the subjects of history, geography, art and DT are taught in three 10-week themes. Each theme has a separate enquiry question and sequence of learning for each of these subjects, but the links between them help to build your childβs understanding and makes it easier to remember. Themes 1 to 3 (with some aspects in Theme 4) are designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Theme 4 then extends beyond the National Curriculum to the needs of children at SSPP here and now, aiming to develop empathetic citizens of now and the future, equipped and empowered to make a difference in an ever-changing world. We focus on current issues that we believe could make a lasting difference to make our world a better place.