Little Acorns
Little Acorns Nursery and Preschool is situated within Ss. Peter and Pauls Primary School. The nursery and preschool offers a warm and friendly atmosphere for children from the age of 2-4 years. We provide a foundation for children’s educational journey within a secure and exhilarating environment.
Little Acorns Nursery and Preschool is open from 8.45am -3.30pm during term times.
We offer an open door policy and therefore no appointment is required. Our staff are happy to welcome you and show you around.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfil their potential. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right as it provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.
The Early Years Foundation Stage is the framework that provides that assurance:
It sets the standards for learning, development and care that young children should experience.
Across Early Years Nursery, Pre-Preschool, we uphold the principles of Fundamental British Values We actively demonstrate these values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs, by implicitly embedding them in our daily routine and in the care and education we provide a child's experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances.
Partnership with parents
We believe an effective partnership with parents is key in order for our children to reach their potential.
Fundrasing-Each year our parents support many fundraising events we take part in. From our ‘Big Toddle’ events to raffles and cake sales.
Coffee Mornings- We hold regular coffee mornings for parents to get to know each other and staff.
Key Person Approach-The Key Person is someone who ensures your child's needs are met and planned for, someone who shares with you what your child has been doing during the day and listens to what they have been doing at home. They are responsible for observing your child through their sessions and will keep your child's learning journal up to date with artwork, photographs and observations of them at Parents Evening.
Parents evenings are held twice each year. It provides an opportunity for parents and staff to discuss their child’s progress and celebrate their achievements.
All enquiries contact: littleacorns@stpeter-stpauls.wirral.sch.uk