Year Six
Year 6 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Class Six
The Team
Class Teacher: Miss Gilfoyle
Teaching Assistants: Miss Whyte and Mrs Davies
About Y6
RE -Year 6 – Called to Serve
“The gifts of the Holy Spirit enable us to share the mission of the Church.” Religious Education Curriculum Directory
The children will learn about Jesus’ teaching and example of service of others. They will develop their ability to recognise that God has given us all gifts and talents to use in the service of him and his people. They will learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and understand that we receive these gifts in a special way through the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The children will have an opportunity to:
• reflect on the Sacrament of Confirmation and the commitment necessary of a Christian
• reflect on a life of service
At Home
You could help your children by:
• discussing the importance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Sacrament of Confirmation
•discussing the many ways in which we can be called to serve God and our neighbour
▪ chatting about their gifts and talents, both obvious ones and hidden ones
Educational Visits:
We enrich our curriculum by arranging the following:
A 5-day residential visit to Conwy Centre
Art days at our feeder school St Mary's Catholic College.
Visits to our parish church Holy Apostles and Martyrs.
Visits to our local theatre the Floral Pavilion.
Sports competitions at local schools.
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day.
Please label ALL clothing and belongings.
Physical Education (PE):
Our P.E day is Thursday, please ensure your child comes in to school on Thursday wearing their P.E Kit. School uniform for P.E is a white t-shirt, black or navy-blue shorts and black pumps. As P.E lessons will largely be held outside to support social distancing, your child may require something warmer to wear as the weather becomes colder. This could include black or navy-blue jogging trousers, a sweatshirt and trainers. Please ensure that all items of kit are clearly labelled with your child’s name. For health and safety reasons, children cannot wear jewellery for PE, so all children need to either be able to remove their earrings or they should be removed in the morning before school.
Maths and English homework will be sent home on a Thursday and should be returned the following Wednesday. It is used to consolidate your child’s learning from the previous week and should take no more than 1 hour in total. Please allow and encourage your child to attempt their homework independently before supporting them if required.
Times Tables:
Children are expected to know all of their tables up to 12 x 12 and associated division facts by the end of Year 4. Please ensure that the children keep their recall skills sharp.
The children are expected to read independently at home on a regular basis (15 minutes per night). They should keep a record in their diary of what they have read. Please listen to them read out loud once a week and record this in their diary. Discuss any vocabulary that they are not sure of.
Children need to be able to read and spell all of the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 spellings. They also need to learn any spelling patterns and rules that are taught in class.