Year Two
Year 2 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 2HG
The Team
Class Teachers: Mrs Hitchmough & Mrs Gallon
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Nelson
Our RE Topic for this half term is —The Birth of the Church
“The Church is the family of God, the People that God gathers in the whole world. This Church is the communion of Christ’s disciples brought together in Christ its Head by the Holy Spirit. It is the Body of Christ, the Temple of the Spirit. As the People of God, the Church is drawn into Christ’s praise of the Father and Christ’s mission in the world.
The children in Year 2 will learn that when the apostles received the Holy Spirit they spread the Good News. They will reflect on how they can spread the Good News. They will learn about the early Christian community and understand that the Christian community continues today to live by Baptism, the Eucharist and its mission to love God by loving our neighbour.
At Home
You could help your child by:
• talking about the symbols of the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit helps us
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day.
Please label all clothing and belongings.
Physical Education (PE)
Our P.E day is Friday, please ensure your child comes in to school on Friday wearing their P.E Kit. School uniform for P.E is a white t-shirt, black or navy-blue shorts and black pumps or trainers. Your child may require something warmer to wear if the weather is colder. This could include black or navy-blue jogging trousers, a sweatshirt and trainers. Please ensure that all items of kit are clearly labelled with your child’s name. For health and safety reasons, children cannot wear jewellery for PE, so all children need to either be able to remove their earrings or they should be removed in the morning before school.
Homework will generally be sent out on Friday and returned by the following Thursday. We will send out paper copies and add it to Google Classroom as well. Homework is used to consolidate your child’s learning from that week. Please support your child with their homework where needed.
We will continue to send home reading books exactly matched to your child’s phonic phase, these books will be phonetically decodable. will give your child the opportunity to read more of a range of books and encounter more high frequency words. Once your child is on Orange level (colour bands) they will be able to change their book every day if they bring their reading bag into school. It is our hope that if the children are reading books more frequently then they will become more fluent, independent readers. As the reading books get longer (Purple level onwards) we encourage children to read the books in manageable chunks at home, judged by yourselves, rather than all in one night. Please try to read with your child regularly throughout the week.
Children need to be able to read and spell all of the Year 1/2 spellings by the end of the year. They also need to learn any spelling patterns and rules that are taught in class and then sent home.