Team Reception
Welcome to Foundation 2!
We are a class that enjoy learning through play. We have a great classroom with lots of fun resources to help us to learn.
In our Foundation 2 Class we have a wonderful team of people. Mrs McInness is our class Teacher. Mrs McCulloch is our Teaching Assistant.
What does a day in Foundation 2 look like?
We will encourage your child to be involved in a variety of learning experiences during each day. Some of these will be whole class experiences, some will be in small groups and sometimes your child will work independently. Teaching and learning in the Early Years in based on PLAY and TALK. There will be a balance of teacher led and child led experiences as well as getting your child ready for Year 1. Every day your child will have a focussed Phonics, Literacy and Maths activity.
Tapestery- Your child's online learning journal
Tapestry is updated weekly with important messages, pictures and videos so please make sure that you are connected to your child's profile and check regularly for updates. We love it when parents like and comment on our posts! Please also use Tapestry to also send us any videos, pictures, wow moments of your child.
Early Years Foundation Stage
The children in F2M/Flamingo Class are part of the Early Years Foundation Stage and follow a curriculum based around the 7 areas of learning.
At the end of their year in F2M the children will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals to see if they are working in line with the expectations for their age or below a typical level for their age. Please find more information about this including the Early Learning Goals in the documents below.
Phonics - Little Wandle
At SSPP, we have chosen Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised as our systematic, synthetic phonics (SSP) programme to teach early reading and spelling.
Phonics is a way of teaching children how to read quickly and skillfully.
Children are taught how to read by breaking down words into seperate sounds or ‘phonemes’. Children are taught how to blend these together to read the whole word.
Every Friday your child will be sent home with a reading book exactly matched to their phonics level. Please listen to your child read their book and write a comment in their learning journal along with the title and date.
Bedtime stories
Along with their levelled reading book the children will also come home with a book of their choice from our class library. This book will more than likely be too tricky for your child to read so we encourage you to use this book as one of your bedtime stories that week. Please return the book by the following Thursday so your child can change it for another.
F2 — The Church
“The Church is the family of God, the people that God gathers in the whole world”
Religious Education Curriculum Directory
This half term, the children in the Nursery and the Reception classes will be learning about the Church. The children will begin to understand that we call the Church the family of God. They will learn that a church building is a holy place where we can all pray and are welcome. The children will learn that Jesus is present in a special way in the Blessed Sacrament and he invites us to be with him. They will learn to be thankful that lots of people help to look after the church and know why Sunday is a special day.
At home you could help your child by:
• visiting church, either for Mass or another time, to talk about the church
reminding them what a special place a Church is and reasons why
• talking to your child about their Baptism, explaining how this was the day
that they became part of God’s family.