
Languages are a way to open our children’s eyes to other cultures and countries. They enable children to have a real

sense of pride and achievement when they realise that they can communicate with others in their own language. At SSPP, the cultural learning embedded in languages help to tackle prejudice about other cultures and foster an intercultural understanding. Learning German from a Native speaker is a real opportunity for our children and is combined with a passion and deep knowledge of Germany and German culture. As a German speaking lead, it provides children with the opportunity to reflect on their own language and its structure.

As Albert Einstein states, ‘Die einzige Quelle des Wissens ist die Erfahrung.’ (The only source of knowledge is experience)

By learning a language at an early stage, pupils will find it much easier later on to learn a further language as they already have a basic understanding of grammar structures, sounds that are different to their own language and vocabulary that might be similar in German or English.