Year Four
Year 4 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Class 4
The Team
Class Teacher: Mrs Mitchell
Teaching Assistants: Miss Austin
About Year 4
Year 3— Being a Christian
“The greatest commandment of all: “Listen Israel, the Lord your God is the one Lord, and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: you must love your neighbour as yourself.” Mark 12: 29-30
“The truth of our union with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is tested by whether or not we really love our fellow men and women.” Pope John Paul II, 1979
Year 3 will develop their understanding of what being a Christian involves. They will reflect on the joy and challenges involved in following Jesus and learn about these through the lives of Ss. Peter and Paul. The children will reflect on their gifts and talents and the gifts the Church calls Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. They will reflect on how to use the gifts God has given to us to be a Christian .
Year 4— Belonging to the Church / The Church
“The Church is the family of God, the People that God gathers in the whole world. This Church is the communion of Christ’s disciples brought together in Christ its Head by the Holy Spirit. It is the Body of Christ, the Temple of the Spirit. As the People of God, the Church is drawn into Christ’s praise of the Father and Christ’s mission in the world.” Religious Education Curriculum Directory
Year 4 will learn that we all belong to a community. They will learn about different types of community and know what it means to belong to a community. They will develop their understanding of what it means to belong to community of the Church and know that people become a member of the Church through Baptism. The children will be introduced to the Creed – a statement of the Catholic faith and learn about the structure of the Church’s liturgical year.
At Home
You could help your child by:
• encouraging them to recognise their gifts and talents
• talk about how they can use their gifts and talents to help others
• encouraging them to become an active member of the parish community
Educational Visits:
We enrich our curriculum by arranging the following:
Topic based visits.
Visits to our parish church Holy Apostles and Martyrs.
Visits to our local theatre the Floral Pavilion.
Sports competitions at local schools.
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day.
Please label ALL clothing and belongings.
Physical Education (PE)
Our P.E day is Wednesday, please ensure your child comes in to school on Wednesday wearing their PE Kit. The PE kit includes black or navy shorts, a white T-shirt and a pair of trainers. As PE lessons will largely be held outside, your child may need something warmer (eg black or navy jogging bottoms and their school sweatshirt or cardigan) in cooler weather. For health and safety reasons, children cannot wear jewellery for PE, so all children need to either be able to remove their earrings or they should be removed in the morning before school.
This half term homework will be reading, spellings, times tables and arithmetic.
Times Tables
Y3 - By the end of Y3 children are expected to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 times tables and associated division facts. Please ensure that the children keep their recall skills sharp.
Y4 - By the end of Y4 children are expected to know all of their tables up to 12 x 12 and associated division facts. Please ensure that the children keep their recall skills sharp.
The children are expected to read independently at home on a regular basis (15 minutes per night). They should keep a record in their diary of what they have read. Please listen to them read out loud and record this in their diary. Discuss any vocabulary that they are not sure of.
Children need to be able to read and spell all of the Year 3/4 by the end of Year 4. They also need to learn any spelling patterns and rules that are taught in class and then sent home. Click the file below to see the year 3/4 spelling list and practice some of the words at home. We have also added the Year 2 spelling list that some children still need to practise.