Year 5H
Year 5H 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 5H!
The Team
Class Teacher: Mrs Harvey
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Turner
RE - Year 5 - Other Faiths
“All nations are one community and have one origin, because God caused the whole human race to dwell on the face of the earth. They also have one final end, God, whose providence, manifestation of goodness and plans for salvation are extended to all.” Religious Education Curriculum Directory
“The Catholic Church rejects nothing of those things which are true and holy in these religions. It regards with respect those ways of acting and living and those precepts and teachings which, though often at variance with what it holds and expounds, frequently reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens everyone….”
Religious Education Curriculum Directory
At Home:
You could help your child by:
• reflecting on the teaching of the Church for us.
Talk about different religions and their celebrations.
Year 6 – Called to Serve
“The gifts of the Holy Spirit enable us to share the mission of the Church.” Religious Education Curriculum Directory
The children will learn about Jesus’ teaching and example of service of others. They will develop their ability to recognise that God has given us all gifts and talents to use in the service of him and his people. They will learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and understand that we receive these gifts in a special way through the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The children will have an opportunity to:
• reflect on the Sacrament of Confirmation and the commitment necessary of a Christian
• reflect on a life of service
At Home
You could help your children by:
• discussing the importance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Sacrament of Confirmation
•discussing the many ways in which we can be called to serve God and our neighbour
▪ chatting about their gifts and talents, both obvious ones and hidden ones
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day.
Please label ALL clothing and belongings.
Physical Education (PE)
Our P.E day is Tuesday, please ensure your child comes in to school on Tuesday wearing their PE Kit. The PE kit includes black shorts, a white T-shirt and a pair of trainers. As PE lessons will largely be held outside, your child may need something warmer (eg track suit) in cooler weather. For health and safety reasons, children cannot wear jewellery for PE, so all children need to either be able to remove their earrings or they should be removed in the morning before school.
The expectation for homework is that all children will read for 10 minutes per day.
We also expect children to be using TTRockstars regularly.
Times Tables
Children are expected to know all of their tables up to 12 x 12 and associated division facts by the end of Year 4.
Please ensure that the children keep their recall skills sharp.
Children need to be able to read and spell all of the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 spellings. They also need to learn any spelling patterns and rules that are taught in class. Copies of the Y5/6 and Y3/4 spellings have been added to Google Classroom.
Parent/Carer Curriculum Information
Throughout the year we will attach overviews with more information about what your child will be learning in each curriculum area during each term. We cover a variety of exciting topics throughout the year and may ask your child to bring in items from home to support these.